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    Shadow Daddies Taking Over - Originality in the Publishing World

    Shadow Daddies Taking Over - Originality in the Publishing World

    We all know that the publishing market is constantly looking for cash cows.

    One of those cash cows is Shadow Daddies.

    I know, you know, we all know it.

    It sells, and we like it. Or at least I liked it in the first two books. But after a constant two years (or more??) of Shadow Daddy MMC's (main male characters), we need something new.

    For those who don't know, Shadow Daddies are tall, mysterious men with dark features. Often black to dark hair with silver or purple eyes, who have:

     A) Dark or shadow powers

     B) Always start off as enemies and then become lovesick puppies. And of course, they are irritated and hate everyone else, BUT they try to be oh so patient with the main female characters because they LOVE her and they are trying to be NICE. But they can't be good, oh no. But nice? They can try.

     C) Did I mention it already that they are aaaaalways on the opposite/evil/dark side, who somehow become good? Wait, no, they were good all along and we all just misunderstood them. (Aaron Warner - you are excused)

    I don't know about you, but I really miss reading a book that is original. Everything on the market today is so OVERSATURATED. With dragons, assassins, and FAE. If I have to read one more book that has the words Gilded, Thorns, Shadows, Queen, Ash, or & in the title, you will have to excuse me while I scream into my pillow.

     The problem isn’t just with the repetitive themes and tropes, but also with how these books are marketed. Publishers are latching onto these trendy themes, rehashing the same concepts with different covers, and presenting them as new and exciting, when in reality, it’s just another recycled story. It’s a formula that works, a proven success in the market, but it often comes at the cost of originality and creativity.

     What's Happening in the Publishing Market?

     The industry is flooded with books trying to ride the coattails of popular series like A Court of Thorns and Roses or Throne of Glass. These books follow a similar formula because publishers know it's a safe bet. They are capitalising on what readers have shown they love, even if it means producing stories that are essentially carbon copies of each other.


    • Trending Titles: The same set of buzzwords in titles are all over the market. You’ll find that many books hitting the shelves today are filled with variations of the same themes, using words like Shadows, Thorns, Gilded, and Ash. It's a title formula that suggests mystery, fantasy, and allure, but more often than not, they lead to the same tired stories.


    • Character Archetypes: Shadow Daddies are a staple now, but they all seem to come from the same character mold. They’re powerful, brooding, with a dark and mysterious past, and an inexplicable connection to the heroine who, by the way, is often a secret princess or heir with hidden powers. We’ve seen it in so many stories that it’s becoming hard to tell them apart.


    • Plot Repetition: It's becoming increasingly predictable. The once-timid girl discovers she's not just anyone; she's the one. She possesses all the powers or has the unique ability to save the world. Add in the brooding Shadow Daddy who initially stands against her but ends up joining forces due to love or fate, and you have the template for a current bestseller.


    • Lack of Diversity: Not just in terms of character backgrounds, but in storytelling itself. Authors are pressured to stick to the formula that sells, which stifles creative diversity. The market favors what's known to work over what could be groundbreaking or innovative.


    I Wish I Could Find a Book That Doesn't Go Like This:

     The most powerful girl used to be an orphan (and a healer) who gets all these powers all of a sudden and she gets ALL the powers somehow (not just one) because she is so special and the heir of the crown because she was a secret princess all along and NO ONE KNEW OMG. And the angry prince/warrior who falls in love with her obviously has to betray everything he stands for or she will betray him (there is more to unpack here. But of course, she didn't explain or tell him details and just ran away), and now he is hunting her (but we all know how that is going to end), and once they are in love the male interest will have 0 personality after.

     Don't misunderstand me. I liked it when I read ACOTAR and then a few other books, but at this point, the books on the market are just copy-paste. Do people even try to be original anymore? Am I the only one who is just bored? I can literally guess the beats of the story just by reading the book blurb.

    So, please save me from this misery and recommend some original books that have something unique in the story, characters, or whatever. Something gripping.

     Original Books Worth Checking Out

     While the mainstream market is flooded with familiar tropes, here are some unique and fresh YA books that break the mold and offer something different:


    1. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
      • A unique blend of magic, mystery, and friendship with complex characters and an original plot.
    2. Scythe by Neal Shusterman
      • A dystopian novel that explores life and death in a way that's both thrilling and thought-provoking.
    3. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
      • A dark and twisted tale that reinvents fairy tales with a modern and eerie twist.
    4. The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones
      • A story that combines Welsh folklore with an original fantasy adventure involving gravediggers and reanimated corpses.
    5. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
      • A standalone epic fantasy that breaks away from typical YA tropes with diverse characters and intricate world-building.
    6. The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
      • Combines treasure hunting and history with a fantastical twist, offering a fresh narrative style and a diverse cast.
    7. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
      • A magical realism novel that tells a multi-generational story filled with whimsy and heart.
    8. Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
      • A blend of science fiction, fantasy, and mystery with a unique world and unconventional characters.
    9. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
      • A contemporary sci-fi novel that explores fame and social media with a unique voice and fresh perspective.
    10. Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
      • A powerful story of rebellion and identity set in a beautifully crafted fantasy world, featuring strong themes of resistance and self-discovery.


    These books offer something different from the standard tropes and formulaic stories that have become so prevalent. They focus on originality, diverse themes, and unique storytelling approaches that make them stand out in the crowded YA market. Give them a try if you're seeking something beyond the typical shadow daddy narratives!. Please also feel free to recommend me some books!! 

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