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    The Power of Storytelling: How Book Nooks Spark Imagination in Children

    Family reading together

    Storytelling has been part of our human culture since the ancient times. From before the written word, when it traveled from mouth to mouth under the starlit sky. Inuits used to gather around the fire and learn about the story of Sedna told by their elders. The Vikings told stories about their great gods and their battles. How Thor’s chariot drawn by two goats created the thunder in the sky.The ancient Egyptians and the story of Osiris as the god of the afterlife and the murder and resurrection of his brother Set.

    That is how stories and myths were created from generation to generation. It created not just a way to stay connected to our ancestors and culture, but also a way to connect with each other, a community.



    This is how a lot of stories we know today was created. We humans have always needed stories to make sense of the world throughout time, to keep traditions alive and that is still valid today. Storytelling that transformed to the written word: books. 

    What humans from that time didn’t know then was that Storytelling was not just simple entertainment and a way to make sense of the world around them, but it also important for shaping children’s cognitive, emotional and social development.

    Even though there are many who enjoy reading and stories there has unfortunately been made clear in recent research that there is a sharp decline in reading  habits and proficiency levels in certain groups among children in certain demographics and age groups which has gathered concerns.

    One of the biggest factors that have been seen is the increased screen time where children spent playing games, watching movies or social media, and also a shift in the way children spend their time activities. This will affect the children’s  language and literacy skills, academic performance, cognitive development not to mention a few.  There is even studies that shows the difference between children who are read to every night and children who aren’t and the difference is staggering. 

    Reading provides children (and adult for that matter) a gateway to explore their creativity and develop essential communication skills. We empower children with the power of storytelling and books to become critical thinkers, effective communicators and compassionate individuals. Who can learn and grow through characters and stories. Especially today as we live in an era that is dominated by the digital worlds and electronics.

    So how can we get away from all of that and still keep that love for stories? And how can we take it to the next level? How do you distract the children from the screens and give them something else to focus on that can at the same time ignite that interest for books and stories?

    With Book Nooks children can experience stories in an immersive and tangible way and invite children to explore the world of stories with each miniature Book Nook. Through each intricate details of miniature scenes and tiny characters it sparks creativity, inspired curiosity and a new appreciation for storytelling. Tell the story and build the world. It is such a great way to spend time together with children, away from screens and just have quality time together. 

    By incorporating Book Nooks into children’s environments, we can create spaces where imagination can flourish and love for reading and storytelling can bloom. 

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